a. The nervous system is affected the most.
c. The eyes become sunken, the cheek bones protrude and there is a black rim round the eyes.
d. Continuous headache and backache.
e. Dizziness and loss of memory.
f. Palpitation of heart on lightest exertion.
g. Nervousness.
h. Unable to perform any heavy physical or mental work.
i. The person dislikes any company and activities and rather likes to sit in seclusion and suffers from weakness.
j. All the senses are impaired.
k. Vision becomes dim, the tongue begins to stammer and ears tend to become deaf etc.
l. Lastly T. B. or insanity or some other serious disease catch hold of the victim to lead his life to a close.
m. Impotency.
n. Premature Ejaculation.
Therefore, young men are advised to consult a qualified and honest homoeopathic practitioner for his expert advice and effective treatment instead of wasting his money with quacks. Further, those young men who are or have been engaged in the regular habits of masturbation should not ignore the necessity to consult the qualified homoeopaths to avoid sexual embarrassment at the time of marriage.
Homeopathic Treatment:
1st 2 weeks.
Staphysigria 30 (3 drops twice a day)
Avena Sativa Ø (5 drops twice a day in half cup hot water)
Kalium phos 6x (4 tablets thrice a day)
Next 2 weeks.
Acid phos 6c, China Off 6c twice a day with 4 hrs gap.
Ustilago Ø (5 drops thrice a day)
Kalium phos 6x (4 tab thrice)
Then for next 1 month.
Staphysigria 30 (2 drops once a day)
Avena sativa Ø (5 drops twice a day)
Kalium phos 6x (4 tab thrice)
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