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Care of Elbow Pain

The elbow joint is a complex joint found between the bones of arm and forearm. It has three prominent bony points one on inside,other on outside and third on the back which makes the conical projection of elbow. Elbow pain at anyone of these points result in this very common malady. Excessive use of arm, forearm and hand muscles results in elbow pain. Sudden or abrupt injury to the muscles attached to the inner side of the elbow is known as Golfer’s Elbow or Median Epicondylitis. 

Similarly, the sprain of muscles and tendons attached on the outer side is known as Tennis Elbow or Lateral Epicondylitis. Usually the dominant arm is affected but can occur in one or both elbows. The pain usually increases gradually around the elbow and may worsen on some movements like moving the hand towards the body or picking some object. Men are more affected than women usually between the ages of 30 & 50 years. It is commonly seen in golfers, squash players, bowlers, gardeners, landscapers, cleaners, carpenters, mechanics and any movement which involves pressure on the muscles and bones of the elbow. The pain and discomfort may vary from slight pain to severe disability hampering person to wash face, brush teeth and even pick a glass of water or a cup. More than 95% of the patients improve and recover. The following simple measures help to take care of elbow pain;

  • Avoid sudden lifting of heavy objects in odd posture.
  • Avoid tight gripping and over use of wrist for a prolonged period.
  • Use proper techniques and tools in sports and at work.
  • Painful movements must be attended and avoided.
  • Use counter-force braces to avoid pressure on the elbow.
  • Icing over the affected area provides relief.
  • Consult your Doctor if the symptoms persist or become worse.
Care of Elbow Pain
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