Knee is the most important and strongest joint of the human body which joins thigh with leg. It bears the weight and stabilizes the body when we move and play in all directions. Its complexity and vital function exposes it to more wear and tear as compared to other joints. Knee pain is the most common complaint seen in middle and old aged people and is called Osteoarthritis of knee joint. It is also known as wear and tear arthritis. Knee joint is the most common affected joint due to osteoarthritis. The person typically feels pain while getting up, sitting, moving the knee even when lying in bed. The natural cushioning between joint bones by the cartilage wears off, resulting in rubbing of bone ends against each other causing pain, swelling, stiffness and decreased ability to move on stairs, walking or on un-even surface with a creaking crackling sound. The joint space is reduced, resulting in more friction. The person is scared to walk and move about resulting in weakness of thigh and leg muscles. Inactivity further leads to more pain, weight gain and stiffness of knee joint. The risk increases after the age of 50 and even in young people involved in active physical and athletic life. Besides aging, overweight, females, lifting heavy weight, kneeling, squatting, long distance running and associated illnesses like rheumatoid arthritis, exposes the person to high risk of developing of osteoarthritis. The following simple measures help to prevent the knee pain associated with osteoarthritis;
· Exercise of knee helps in keeping the joint more stable by reducing stiffness and pain.
· Loosing extra weight helps a lot in decreasing knee pain and further progression of joint disease.
· Swimming or walking on smooth surface keeps the muscles strong and reduces joint pain.
· Wearing comfortable shoes with an outer insole helps walk easy.
· Avoid using stairs and walking on un-even surface.
· Avoid squatting, bending knee joint as sitting on floor.
· Use of walking stick in the opposite hand provides relieve during walk.
· Warm fomentation in cold weather is beneficial.
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