Acute Appendicitis is an acute medical emergency which often requires immediate removal of an inflamed appendix by surgery. It is the most common cause of acute abdominal pain which is maltreated and misdiagnosed just to avoid surgery. Appendix is a thin finger-like tube about four inches long present at the junction of small and large intestine in the lower right side of abdomen. It is a blind tube whose function is not known. It often becomes inflamed, infected and can rupture spreading infection into whole of abdomen. No age is immune for appendicitis. Usually it is seen in 9-90 years old people across the globe. Even in children below 9 years, it presents as continuous non resolving fever. Patient feels severe abdominal pain with vomiting and distention. The pain is usually felt in the upper and mid of abdomen or around the navel. The pain is mild at first and gradually increases with the passage of time and becomes unbearable. Typically the pain is shifted to lower right side of abdomen. At this stage it is called acute appendicitis which is an acute emergency. The patient should be shifted to hospital for treatment. Sometimes patients report late to the hospital and mass is found at the site of appendix. Such cases are advised conservative or non-surgical treatment, followed by surgery later on. The untreated acute appendicitis or mass may burst or transforms to chronic abdomen. The chronic abdomen is characterized by bouts of abdominal pain may or may not be associated with vomiting, diarrhea and fever. The following measures help to prevent and properly manage an acute attack of appendicitis;
· In case of abdominal pain always consult your doctor.
· Do not use household remedies for abdominal pain.
· Do not immediately take a pain remedy or antibiotic which may suppress the diagnostic features.
· Never use a laxative in abdominal pain unless advised by doctor.
· Avoid giving any food or fluids to the patient suffering from abdominal pain.
· Never delay in consulting your doctor for abdominal pain. The delay in treatment leads to complications and slower recovery.
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