Human Skin is the largest organ in the body with the surface area of about 20 square feet. It protects from bacteria, regulates body temperature, sensation of touch, heat and cold, synthesis of vitamin D. The colour of the skin varies according to the genes and geographic distribution of population. The type of skin varies from dry to oily skin. A very common home and workplace injury is burn. Burn is a type of skin injury due to heat, electricity, chemicals, friction or radiations. Burns affecting the superficial skin layers are known as first degree burns. The second degree or partial thickness burns involve the skin layers partially. The third degree burn is the severe form of injury which is usually less painful but needs much medical care. The first degree burns are very painful with redness and blisters over the burn area. They heal well with proper medical care. The third degree burns are usually painless and involves the whole thickness of skin. They take longer time to heal and leave behind deformity and disfigurement. The most severe form of the burn involves charring of all the tissues under the skin including muscles and bones requiring amputation. Moderate to severe burns need proper medical care as these are fatal and life threatening. The electrical and gas fittings, appliances, inflammable liquids, oil and fuels and all such things including junk should be stored and managed properly to avoid any emergency situation. The following measures help to take care of burns.
- Electric and gas appliances of good quality, installed professionally should be used only.
- Any leakage should be immediately reported and rectified by authorized personnel.
- Keep the burnt area under cool running water from 15 minutes to reduce pain.
- Immediately remove rings, ornaments or any tight items from and around the burnt area.
- Never prick, break or remove the blisters.
- Do not apply any household items over the burnt area which are not only harmful but are a source of infection.
- Immediately shift the patient to the nearest medical facility for pain relief and burn care. Please ensure tetanus prophylaxis.
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