Neck and shoulder pain is a very common problem. It may be associated with mild to severe pain, numbness or tingling sensation radiating all along from neck, shoulder, arm up to fingers. The problem is more seen in persons working long with tilted neck and spine, sleeping with high pillows, reading or watching TV lying in bed, attending phone calls with neck tilted to one side, exposure to very cold and sudden change in temperature, may be due to air conditioning or winters, physical inactivity and staying in door, aggravate the problem. The problem is due to a very common condition known Cervical Spondylosis. It is a general term used for age related wear and tear of the spinal disc in the neck area. The spinal disc act as cushion and are present between the two vertebral bones. Shrinkage, drying, tearing or displacement of spinal discs results in compression of the spinal cord and nerves emerge out from it. Spasm of the neck muscles and nerve compression leads to persistent neck pain. Trauma affecting spine and neck is also a common reason of this malady, especially during shifting of patient from accident scene to hospital. Aging leads to weakness of spine and muscles aggravating neck and back pain. The following strategies are helpful to prevent the cervical spondylosis and its related complications;
- Regular exercise and maintaining physical activity keeps the body strong and helps to reduce the neck pain.
- Keep your neck straight aligned with the back spine. Regular neck exercise helps to keep the muscles and joints of the spine strong and healthy.
- Use single soft pillow while sleeping and avoid high pillows.
- Never read or watch TV while lying in bed with tilted neck or spine.
- Avoid exposure to extremes of temperature especially cold during winters. Sit, work and drive with erect back and neck to avoid neck pain.
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