A very common and fatal malady that has claimed more than 1000 precious human lives during last week in Karachi is Heat Stroke or Sun Stroke. Long days, short nights, hot temperature, lack of air and more than 50% humidity, all play vital role in affecting human lives. In summers extreme heat exposure of the body especially head, coupled with dehydration leads to failure of natural body temperature control system. Lack of air movement and increased humidity further add fuel to the fire. The lowering of body temperature due to evaporation of sweat is hampered leading to persistent exposure to increased temperature. The people working outside in the field during hot summer days without covering their body, especially head, against sun are more prone and at high risk of suffering from Heat or Sun Stroke. It is most serious among heat injuries and a serious medical emergency, due to brain damage and other vital organs. It progresses from heat cramps, fainting, exhaustion and stroke to death. Severe thirst, muscle weakness, throbbing headache, excessive sweating, red hot skin, body temperature more than 105 degree F, disorientation, fits , coma and death are its main feature. The patients suffering from chronic ailments like high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, respiratory and other diseases are more prone and at high risk due to compromised body functions and less reserves to face any odd situation. The following simple measures help to prevent the heat exhaustion or stroke;
· Wear loose and light colored clothes in summers.
· Protect head against direct sun exposure during day-time in summers.
· Keep head and neck covered to avoid sun exposure.
· Walk and work in shade, where possible.
· Drink plenty of water and juices to avoid dehydration.
· Avoid going out during hottest part of the day .
· Suspected heat stroke victims should be shifted to cool shady or air-conditioned environment and given lot of drinks.
· Keep the skin cool by wet compress or immerse in cool shower or tub. Immediately shift the patient to nearby medical facility.
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